Wednesday 25 April 2012

Final Stop Motion Animation

Flash Animation Research:
Adobe Flash Professional CS5 is an authoring tool that you can use to create presentations, applications and other content that responds to user interaction.

Projects created in Flash are known as SWF applications even if they only contain minimal animations.

Vector graphics use less memory and storage then others, but they come up smaller as they are represented by mathematical formulas.

A symbol is a graphic, move, button clip that can create manually. A symbol can include artwork that we can import from another applications.

In order to create an application in Flash professional you have to start by creating graphics or elements then adding media elements like video and audio.

The first of the five parts that builds up to the user interface is 'The Stage'. This is like a canvas that shows you the area that you can play with when placing on your graphics. 
The second part is 'The Timeline' and the third is called 'The Tools Panel' this contains the use of tools to use to select objects.

To publish a FLA file you select File, Publish. After this it will then compress

Monday 23 April 2012

Stop Motion Animation:
A stop motion animation is a cinematic process, or technique used to make static object appears as if they were moving. This technique is commonly used in claymation and puppet-based animation. The objects are brought to life by breaking up the figure's motion into increments and filming one frame of film per increment.
GIF Animation:
GIF Animation stands for Graphic Interchange Format

An GIF Animation is a graphic file type that is composed of many different images on top of each other. Together the images are compressed and worked together to create movement, and to give the appearance of a mini movie.
Animation of the square turning into a circle 
In class we started doing some animations on a site called Adobe Flash CS5 which was moving animation with objects, in this animations I chose to turn a square into a circle, I enjoyed doing this animation even though it was a challenging and took me ages to get it right, but when it was finished I was really happy with it. After playing around with Adobe CS5 I really enjoyed creating these animations even though they were quite difficult at first but then I got the hang of it.

Feedback On My Art Animation:
I was told that my animation was really good; it fitted in well with the project, and came across really successful. I had a lot of positive feedback, which I was happy about, but I had some criticism, which was good because then I could work on what I need to improve to make my animation much better.
I was told that I could add some music to fit in with the animation and also take some more pictures around the college to show off what the college is about and how good it is. 
Art Stop Motion Animation

Story Board For My Animation:

My Story Board for my Animation is based on the journey into Coulsdon College and into a classroom. It starts of by me walking into college, swiping my card to get through the barriers, walk upstairs to the top level (Level 2) then walk down the corridor to the class room, open the time, walk to the desk with the Mac (Computer), go onto the computer and type in 'Coulsdon College' but by typing it, type one letter then take a picture of each letter.

I will be doing this by taking picture after picture, so one after the other, has to be really quick so it can be a animation of me walking into the college, up the stairs and up to the classroom.
How to sell Coulsdon College..

In the brief we was told to do a diagram to write points of how to sell Coulsdon College to the community and write good points about the college to show the college is successful and its a good college and its open to everyone because the community wants good and respective college in the croydon area
Attribute listing the good and bad points about Coulsdon College:
Attribute List was to draw a chart to show the good and bad things about Coulsdon College and by doing this we could show children what the good and bad effects about the college and also by looking at the bad points, the college could see and think if they could do any chances to make the college a safe, exciting environment for everyone, pupils and teachers.
Doodling about Coulsdon College....

As the start of our final animation project about Coulsdon College, i began to start doodling about things relating to the college. The journey, the logo, lessons, canteen, education. anything i could think off, then random sketch (doodle) it onto a A3 piece of paper. 

Jamie Beck Animation
                                               Jamie Beck's Animation Gifts, the water fountain

Jamie Beck is a New York City-based fashion photographer in with collaboration with Kevin Burg, a web designer with a background in video and motion graphics. He has created a series of amazing animated GIF's.

My favourite animation gift Jamie has made is the water fountain. I really like how he has created this gift of the water fountain by everything is so steal then the water moving down the fountain like its the only thing thats moving in the world and i think its an amazing effet he has used. Jamie Beck has taken the concept of animated photography to a whole new level with the Cinemagraph.

Bouncy Ball Animation
In class for the past week we was doing some animations on a site called Adobe Flash CS5 which was moving animation with objects, like i did with my last Adobe Flash CS5 animation of the square turning into a circle but this time i chose to do a bouncy ball, bouncing from one way to the other. I enjoyed doing this practise of moving animation but it took me ages to work out how to do it and after i was really pleased with it and it helped towards my final animation and how i would want to present it.